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244012 декабря 2007 г. 10:42KostNalu

Unreal Tournament 3 Patch 1.1

Epic Games выпустили финальную версию первого пакета исправлений для Unreal Tournament 3, обновив игру до версии 1.1. 234 МБ файл предлагает многочисленные изменения в графическом движке, интерфейсе, а также множественные исправления в игровом процессе, AI, сети и многое другое.Скачать Unreal Tournament 3 Patch 1.1 (234 МБ)Список изменений (на английском языке):Gameplay:
- Fixed scaling of certain player meshes (increased in size some human and robot meshes). Addresses meshes being smaller than collision box, as well as eyeheight issues.
- Fixed feigning death into/through ForcedDirVolumes.
- Fixed grenade effects in water.
- Increased hellbender rear turret damage.
- Reduced Goliath machine gun spread, plus slight damage increase.
- Fixed warfare scoring for locking down a prime node not called "prime node".
- Slightly increased momentum taken for damage by mantas and vipers.
- Flak, Rocket, and Shock do slightly more damage to manta and viper.
- Made sure Hellfire SPMA cannon can't fire through walls.
- Increased incoming SPMA fire sound radius.
- Fixed impact jumping with hoverboard.
- Fixed bot Pawns losing their PRI at the end of the match, causing them to, among other things, be invisible
- Fixed being able to switch away from the rocket launcher in the delay between the third rocket being loaded and the weapon autofiring.
- Fixed weapon crosshair incorrectly turning red when hit enemy on the client, but not on the server.
- Disabled attenuation/spatialization on mission briefing sounds.AI:
- Improved bot AI with darkwalker.
- Tweaked bot voice message frequencies.
- Bot aiming tweaks.
- Fixed bots attacking friendly player in rare cases when that player recently stole an enemy vehicle.
- Fixed bots not handling the "Hold This Position" order correctly when the player giving the order is in a multi-person vehicle.Demo playback:
- Fixed demo playback not ending/looping correctly when the demo ends due to the DemoRecSpectator being destroyed before the end of the file is reached.
- Demos can now be paused.
- By default, demo playback now runs at full speed and interpolates in between demo frames using the normal client simulation code. The old frame-locked method is still available by passing ?disallowinterp. Timedemos are unaffected by this change.
- Fixed demoplay URL parsing counting the options as part of the filename unless an extension was specified in the demo name
- Added a "Delete Demo" button to the demo playback menu.
- Demo playback now properly handles rotation when viewing a Pawn in first person.
- Fixed looking around while spectating a vehicle.
- Fixed demo playback not working if the PlayerController didn't get recorded into the first frameServer Browser:
- Implemented History tab page in server browser, with ability to "lock" favorites on that page.
- Implemented a Favorites tab page in the server browser.
- Added 'Join as spectator' feature.
- Server browser uses smaller font to display more servers.
- Fixed custom mutators not appearing in server browser.
- Fixed custom gametypes not displayed in server browser's window.
- Fixed server browser's listed MaxPlayers being incorrect.
- Added filter option for dedicated servers.
- Fixed server browser showing an incorrect goal score and time limit when the .ini values were used.
- Fixed incorrect mutators appearing in server browser details if client & server are not using the same languageUser Interface:
- Can now save settings/progress even if have never created a profile.
- Added ping and connect time to scoreboard.
- Removed annoying confirmation menu when starting a game.
- Removed unnecessary top settings page (can use tabs at the top of the settings to navigate).
- Added a Messages tab to the mid game menu.
- Friends messages now saved until explicitly deleted.
- Finer control over mouse sensitivity, using an edit box instead of a slider.
- Added framerate smoothing and FOV options to the advanced video menu.
- Increased max players/bots in menus to 32.
- Fixed auto switching to vote menu at end of match.
- Improved mid game menu performance (don't render world behind it).
- Added version number to main menu.
- Fixed binding gamepad/joystick keys (you must set AllowJoystickInput=1 in the of your UTEngine.ini to enable gamepads/joysticks).
- Fixed up the GDF project for VistaHUD:
- Added the killer weapon to victim messages.
- Fixed flag and orb scaling in minimap at high resolutions.
- Fixed node teleporter not showing "You can't teleport with orb" message on clients.
- Fixed situations where "get in vehicle" pictograph wouldn't work correctly.
- Still draw the clock on the scoreboard after the game is over.
- Fixed Duel HUD issues.Networking:
- Implemented STUN support (Simple Traversal of UDP Through Network Address Translators) to enable clients and servers to connect from behind a NAT.
- Fixed "open" console command when connecting to Internet servers
- Fixed team scores very rarely not updating for a client.
- Fixed bot faction option when running a listen server.
- Fixed link setup not reset correctly when going from a map with a custom link setup to one using the default.
- Fixed a case where Duel would place an incoming player on the wrong team when some players were still travelling.
- Bullseye stats are now properly recorded.
- Fixed clients not travelling to downloaded maps correctly.
- Fixed the client and server getting into a loop sending each other close messages in some situations.
- Quick match incorporates player rating into search decision.
- Fixed issue where Vista clients would not receive all servers from a server browser search.
- Applied proper fix to suppressing voice on dedicated servers.
- Fixed issues with players not getting on right team in Duel and Duel+Survival if a player leaves in certain timing windows during map transitions.
- Fixed previous level PRIs showing up on the scoreboard/leaderboard after the client travels (making it look like players have already scored lots of points when those clients are in fact still loading)
- Fixed losing your custom character mesh after changing teams during a match.
- Implemented DUEL match stat reporting for gamespy ladder.
- Fixed bugs and exploits associated with ServerViewNextPlayer()/ServerViewPrevPlayer()/ServerViewSelf() being received after the server has already moved the PlayerController out of the spectating state
- Added "BecomeActive" exec to switch from spectator to playerServer Administration:
- Dedicated servers do not require CD keys.
- Added -configsubdir= command line option to cause .ini files to be loaded/saved from the specified subdirectory of GameConfig
- Added QueryPort configuration and command line option.
- Added an "AdminChangeOption

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