; ; ; #s - one space ; #m - new line ; ; ; [frmMainATT] GameProfiles1=Game Profiles MPG1=Manage Profiles... Direct3D1=3D Adaptive1=Adaptive Antialiasing EnableAdaptiveAA1=Enable Adaptive AA PerformanceMode1=Performance Mode Qualitymode1=Quality mode Antialiasing2=Antialiasing dxAAapp=Application Controlled Anisotrophy2=Anisotropic Filtering dxAFQ1x=Performance dxAFQ2x=Quality dxAFQ0x=Quality with Full Trilinear HQAnisoType1=Enable High Quality AF dxAFApp=Application Controlled D3DTexPref=Texture Preference dxTP3x=High Performance dxtp2x=Performance dxTp1x=Quality dxTp0x=High Quality d3dMipMap=MipMap Detail Level dxLOD3x=High Performance dxLOD2x=Performance dxLOD1x=Quality dxLOD0x=High Quality D3DVaitV=Wait for Vertical Sync dxVS0x=Always Off dxVS1x=Application Preference dxVS2x=Always On WaitforVerticalSync1=Wait for Vertical Sync dxnVS0=Always Off dxnVS1=Default Off dxnVS2=Default On dxnVS3=Always On TRUEFORM2=TRUFORM(tm) dxTRUE0x=Always Off dxTRUE1x=Application Preference D3DRefOv=Refresh Rate Override dxRRdis=Disabled dxRRDesk=Same as desktop dxRRCust=Custom FlipQueueSize1=Flip Queue Size Undef1=Undefined AOP2=Additional options frmMainATT=ati_tray_tools dxALTpix=Alternate pixel centers dxDXT=Support DXT Textures d3dBump=Support Bump Mapping Optimizations1=Optimizations miAFOpt=Enable Anisotropic Filtering Optimization miTROpt=Enable Trilinear Filtering Optimization CatalystAI1=Catalyst A.I. CatAI0=Off CatAI1=Low CatAI2=High ForceZBufferdepth1=Force Z-Buffer depth nglZBDis=Disabled nglZB16=Force 16 bit nglZB24=Force 24 bit Additionaloptions1=Additional options nglTripple=Triple Buffering sap1=Save As Profile Settings1=Settings... Direct3DP1=3D Profiles OpenGL1=OpenGL Antialiasing1=Antialiasing ApplicationControlled1=Application Controlled Anisotrophy1=Anisotropic Filtering glAFPerf=Performance glAFQuality=Quality EnableHighQualityAF1=Enable High Quality AF glAFApp=Application Controlled GLTexPref=Texture Preference glTP3x=High Performance glTP2x=Performance glTP1x=Quality glTP0x=High Quality GLMipMap=MipMap Detail Level glLOD3x=High Performance glLOD2x=Performance glLOD1x=Quality glLOD0x=High Quality GLwait=Wait for Vertical Sync glVS0x=Always Off glVS1x=Default Off glVS2x=Default On glVS3x=Always On TRUEFORM1=TRUFORM(tm) glTRUE0x=Always Off glTRUE1x=Application Preference ZBuffer1=Force Z-Buffer depth glZBDis=Disabled glZB16b=Force 16 bit glZB24b=Force 24 bit GLRefr=Refresh Rate Override glROVdis=Disabled glROVDesk=Same as desktop glROVCust=Custom GLAdd=Additional options glTripple=Triple Buffering sap2=Save As Profile Settings2=Settings... OpenGLP1=OpenGL Profiles Overclocking1=Hardware Overcloking1=Overclocking Settings... Auto2D3DOverclocking1=Auto Overclocking... Settings6=General Settings... SMARTGART1=SMARTGART... sysi1=System Information... MotherboardMonitor1=Motherboard Monitor hwm1=System Tray Hardware Monitoring... GraphicsMonitor1=Monitoring Graphs Tweaks1=Tweaks StandardTweaks1=Standard Tweaks... AdvancedDirect3DTweaks1=Advanced Tweaks... HotKeys1=Hot Keys mEHT=Enable Hot Keys Settings4=Customize... Plugins1=Plugins RunTimeplugins1=Run Time Plug-ins... Display1=Display Settings7=Settings... miExtDesk=Extended Desktop ResetDisplayDriver1=Reset Display Driver turnoffmonitor1=Turn off monitor DisplayProperties1=Display Properties DefaultSingleDisplay1=Default Single Display ResfreshLock1=Refresh Lock mROVEnabled=Enabled Customize1=Customize... Rotation1=Rotation rt0=Default 0 rt1=To Right 90 rt2=180 rt3=To Left 90 Colors1=Video && Colors Settings5=Color Settings... OverlaySettings1=Video Overlay... Hotkeycorrectionfor1=Hotkey color correction for ColorCorrectionforDisplay11=Display 1 ColorCorrectionforDisplay21=Display 2 ATISoftware1=ATI Software HYDRAVISION1=HYDRAVISION Settings3=Settings... SetupWizard1=Setup Wizard... LoadMultiDesc1=md LoadDesktopManager1=dm Options1=Tools && Options DumpVideoBIOS1=Dump Video BIOS SaveDIP1=Save Desktop Icon Positions LDIP1=Restore Desktop Icon Positions DSP1=Delete Saved Positions (For resolution 1280x1024) OSD1=OnScreen Display... Options2=General Options... About1=About... Exit1=Exit N8bpp1=8 bpp N16bpp1=16 bpp N32bpp1=32 bpp [frmAbout] frmAbout=About lb3=Official WEB Forums: lb4=Official WEB site (Russian) lbWeb1=Official WEB site (English) RUrllabel5=Contact E-Mail lbDonation=#s%s%s%sATI Tray Tools always will be FREE, but if you think ATT is valuable and wish to express your appreciation, I do accept and appreciate monetary donations. Your support will keep this project alive. bt1=Ok [frmAddMonitor] frmAddMonitor=Add Monitor TabSheet1=Monitor lbGen=#sGeneral Properties lbMin=Minimum value lbInterval=Update interval lbHeigth=Height lbMax=Maximum value lbVis=#sVisual Appearance lbGrid=Grid Color lbInnerB=Inner box lbBack=Background lbLog=#sLog btTheme=&Apply Theme cbLog=Log to file cbRecreate=Recreate log file TabSheet2=Sources lbAvaS=#sAvailable Sources lbMBM=#sMotherboard Monitor Sources cb0=GPU Clocks (MHz) cb1=Memory Clocks (MHz) cb2=GPU Temperature cb3=Environment Temp. cb4=Fan Duty Cycle cb5=Main CPU Usage cb6=Free Video Memory cb7=Free Texture Memory cb8=Frames Per Second Button1=&Ok btCancel=Cancel Defult1=Default WindowsTasmManger1=Windows Task Manager Whitepaper1=Gray Board BlueSky1=Blue Sky Maroon1=Maroon [frmAuto3D] frmAuto3D=Automatic Overclocking ts2d3d=2D/3D Overclocking lbGenSet=#sGeneral Settings lb3D=For application required 3D mode load this profile lb2d=After application finished, load this profile for 2D mode lbNotify=#sNotifications lbEvents=#sEvents cb2d3d=Enable auto 2D/3D overclocking cbSound3d=Play sound when entering 3D cbSound2d=Play sound when entering 2D cbApp3d=Run applicaton when entering 3D (Use quotation marks for long path) cbApp2d=Run application after application finished tsPWS=PWS Overclocking lbtsGS=#sGeneral Settings Label6=When AC status is Online load this overclocking profile Label7=When AC status is Offine (on Battery) load this overclocking profile cbPWM=Enable auto overclocking depended on power status TabSheet2=Exclude Label2=#sExclude these applications from Auto 2d/3d , OSD modules bt14=Add bt15=Delete Button1=&Ok btCancel=Cancel [frmBenchCmp] frmBenchCmp=Benchmark Compare btClose=Close btExport=Export (JPG) [frmBenchRes] frmBenchRes=Benchmark Results lbGPUSpeed=GPU Speed lbMEMSpeed=Memory Speed lbFinScore=Final Score btSave=&Save btCompare=&Compare btCancel=Cancel [frmCheckATIHK] frmCheckATIHK=Confirmation lbText=ATI Tray Tools detected that "ATI HotKey Poller" service currently started.#mIf you want to use overclocking functions in ATI Tray Tools you must disable#m"ATI HotKey Poller" service.#mDo you want me to disable it now? cbDoEach=Do this each start of ATI Tray Tools btYes=&Yes btNo=No [frmCheckRes] frmCheckRes=Checking lb1=Do you want to keep this settings? btn1=&Ok btn2=Cancel [frmColor] frmColor=Color Correction lb1=#sBrightness lb2=Contrast lb3=Gamma spAll=All lb4=Channels spReset=&Reset Label4=#sProfiles Label1=Select Display cbLoad=Load selected profile at startup bt1=&Save as bt2=&Load bt3=&Delete btnOk=&Ok btnCancel=Cancel [frmD3D] frmD3D=Direct3D btnOk=&Ok btnCancel=Cancel btnApply=&Apply ts1=General Label9=#sSMOOTHVISION lb1=A&nti-Aliasing lb2=An&isotropic Filtering Label10=#sPerformance lb3=&Texture Preference lb5=&MipMap Detail Level lb6=&Wait for Vertical Sync lb7=T&RUFORM(tm) Label11=#sR&efresh Rate Override Label8=Mode: cbHQAF=Enable High Quality AF rbPerf=Performance rbQual=Quality rbQualT=Quality with Trilinear cbASTT=Adaptive anti-aliasing ts2=Additional Label3=Catalyst A.I. Label5=Flip Queue Size Label6=Texture LOD Adjustment Label7=Smart Shader Label13=#sTweaks Label15=#sTemporal AA Label1=Multiplier Label2=Frame Threshold Label16=#sAdditional cbDXT=&Support DXT texture format cbAlter=A<ernate Pixel Centers cbBump=Support &Bump Mapping cbAnisoOpt=Anisotropic Filtering Optimization cbTriOpt=Trilinear Filtering Optimization btDefButton=Default cbGI=Geometry Instancing tsGl=OpenGL Label17=#sTweaks lb8=Force &Z Buffer Depth Label18=#sCustom Smart Shader Effect File (leave empty for none) cbTriple=Triple Buffering Button1=Default Label12=#sProfiles bt1=&Save as bt2=&Load bt3=&Delete [frmDDCConfig] frmDDCConfig=DDC Configuration Label4=#sDDC Configuration Label3=#sOverride Display Limits Label1=Maximum Resolution Label2=Maximum Refresh Rate cbUseDDC=Use DDC Information Button1=&Ok Button2=Cancel [frmDisplayProp] frmDisplayProp=Display Properties TabSheet1=Standard Label4=#sAdjustments lb9=Screen Position lb11=Vertical lb12=Horizontal lb10=Screen Size Label1=#sSynchronization Label5=Temperature bt2=Defaults cbHor=Horizontal cbVer=Vertical cbComp=Composite TabSheet2=Advanced Label2=#sAdjustments Label3=#sHDTV Support cbScale=Scale Image to panel size cb720=Add support for 720p(60) mode cb1080=Add support for 1080i(30) mode cb1080p=Add support for 1080p(60) mode cb720p2=Add support for 720p(50) mode cb1080i2=Add support for 1080i(25) mode cbPreserve=Perserve Aspect Ratio cbAlterDVI=Alternate DVI operational mode cbReduceDVI=Reduce DVI frequency on high-resolution displays TabSheet3=Avivo Colors Label6=Hue Label7=Saturation Label8=#sAdjustments Button1=Defaults btnOk=&Ok btnCancel=Cancel [frmDisplays] frmDisplays=Displays tsDis=Displays Label4=#sDisplay 1 lbDis1Con=1 ldDisplay=Power lb1=Display Mode sb1=On/Off sbDP=Primary sbDC=Clone lb4=Display Limits Label1=#sDisplay 2 sbDisplay2=On/Off sbDP2=Primary sbDC2=Clone Label2=#sTV Out lb3=TV Mode SpeedButton4=On/Off sbTP=Primary sbTC=Clone btDDC1=DDC Button3=Options btDDC2=DDC bt4=Options tsTV=TV Properties Label5=#sAttributes lb7=Contrast lb8=Color Saturation Label6=#sAdjustments lb9=Screen Position lb12=Horizontal lb11=Vertical lb10=Screen Size Label7=#sAdvanced lb13=Composite Sharpness lb14=S-Video Sharpness lb15=Dot Crawl lb16=TV Format lb17=Flicker Removal cbVideoMode=Video Mode (For Low resolutions) cbOs=Overscan Button1=Undo Button2=Defaults TabSheet1=Theater Mode Label8=#sOverlay Theater Mode Label9=#sTheater Mode rgVA=Set video aspect ratio to rgDA=Display device aspect ratio GroupBox1=In Clone Mode rbTMStd=&Standard rbTMTM=&Theater (Full screen Video) rbTMSA=Sam&e On All GroupBox2=In Extended Display rbESTD=Sta&ndard rbTExt=T&heater (Full screen Video) TabSheet2=Tweaks Label10=#sStandard Tweaks cbForceTV=Force TV Detection Label3=#sProfiles bt1=&Save as bt2=&Load bt3=&Delete cbLoad=Load selected profile at startup btnOk=&Ok btnCancel=Cancel btnApply=&Apply [frmEditKey] frmEditKey=Edit Hot Key Properties lb2=Hot Key bt1=&Ok bt2=Cancel Label3=Select Application Label5=Parameter Label4=No properties available for this action [frmGenOptions] frmGenOptions=General Options ts1=General Label4=#sStart up options Label7=#sTools Label21=#sGeneral Options Label23=via bt2=Check for updates bt1=Backup Profiles cbStart=Load with windows cbSB=Swap mouse buttons for tray menu cbNew3D=Use new Apply 3D settings mode cbSkin=Use skinned menu cbAgg3D=Aggressive 3D detection cbDisColor=Disable low level color correction cbTempInF=Show Temperature in Fahrenheit cbDisRot=Disable confirmation on rotation TabSheet1=Advanced Label17=#sShared Memory Configuration Label15=Update interval Label16=seconds Label1=Overclock limit % Label2=Downclock limit % Label5=#sOverclocking Configuration Label6=#sChange Screen Resolutions cbDisShareMem=Enable ATT Shared Memory cbUseLimit=Use overclocking limits cbDontAsk=Do not ask for refresh rate cbSelMax=Always select maximum refresh rate cbDontWait=Do not wait 10 seconds before changing resolution cbResetClocks=Reset clocks on exit cbResetOnSus=Reset clocks before suspend mode ts3=Audio Recorder lb4=To assign Hot-Keys for recorder, please go to HotKeys -> Customize... Label8=#sRecording lb12=Storage Folder Label12=Codec Label22=Format Label9=#sRecord Length lb3=seconds Label10=#sHotKeys Label24=Select input source Label25=Recording Level Button12=Change rbUnlim=Unlimited rbLimit=Record up to ts2=ScreenShots Label3=To assign Hot-Key for recorder, please go to HotKeys -> Customize... Label11=#sStorage lb2=Storage Folder Label13=#sHotKeys Label14=ScreenShot image format Label18=Jpeg Quality Label19=Bad quality small file size <- Label20=-> Good quality big file size cbAddTime=Add current time to file name cbssNoOSD=Do not include OSD information btnOk=&Ok btnCancel=Cancel bff1=Select Folder [frmGP] frmGP=Manage Game Profiles btnCancel=Close btn3=Create Desktop Shortcut ts1=General Label4=#sGeneral Profile Information lb1=Profile Name lb2=Executable lb5=Parameters Label1=#sSettings lb4=Set SpeedButton2=Edit SpeedButton3=Edit cbUseD3D=Direct3D to cbD3Drestore=Restore previous settings after game end cbUseOGL=OpenGL to cbOGLRestore=Restore previous settings after game end Button1=Delete outdated game profiles ts2=Hardware Label3=#sOverclocking lb8=Before lb10=After Label5=#sColors Label15=Interval in seconds to check and update current colors cbUseColor=Force to use Color Profile ts3=Additional Label6=#sAdditional lb11=Switch desktop resolution to Label8=OSD X Offset Label9=OSD Y Offset Label14=#sOSD Configuration cbExit=Exit from ATT after finish cbDisOSD=Disable OSD support cbCustomColor=Use custom FPS Color tsDXOvr=Direct3D Tweaks Label10=#sChange Adapter Identification (Direct3D9 only) Label11=VendorID (HEX) Label12=DeviceID (HEX) Label13=Device Name Label7=#sForce Direct3D Parameters (Direct3D8/9) cbEnDevName=Enable cbForceTri=Force to use Triple Buffers Label2=#sProfiles bt2=&New bt5=S&ave bt4=&Delete [frmGraphs] frmGraphs=Monitoring Graphs Button1=&Add Button2=&Start All Button3=S&top All Button4=Clear All History Button5=Order Configure1=Configure Delete1=Delete Export1=Export oTextFile1=To Text File oCSVFile1=To CSV File oBMPCurrentstate1=To BMP (Current state) StartStop1=Start/Stop ClearHistory1=Clear History [frmHardware] frmHardware=Hardware Settings ts1=General Label4=#sHardware Configuration Label1=#sPCI Latency cbApply=A&pply hardware settings at start up cbRestore=&Restore after suspended mode CheckBox1=&Set Video Card PCI Latency to bt1=Ok bt2=Cancel bt3=&Apply [frmHMon] frmHMon=System Tray Hardware Monitoring TabSheet1=Graphics Board Label4=#sGlobal Settings Label1=#sGPU Temperature Label5=#sEnvironment Temperature SpeedButton1=Select Font SpeedButton2=Select Font cbEnable=Enable hardware monitoring cbWriteLog=Write to log file cbRestFile=Resticrt file size to 1Mb cbGPUTemp=Show in system tray cbGPOST=Send to POST Indicator cbMEMTemp=Show in system tray cbMPost=Send to POST Indicator Button1=&Ok Button2=Cancel [frmHotKeys] frmHotKeys=Hot Keys btnOk=&Ok btnCancel=Cancel TabSheet1=HotKeys cb1=Enable &Hot Keys bt1=&Add bt2=&Edit bt3=&Delete [frmMBM] frmMBM=Motherboard Monitor TabSheet1=Sources Label2=Voltage Calculation Formula Button1=Save Button2=Cancel [frmMonOrder] frmMonOrder=Monitoring Graphs Order btnOk=&Ok Button2=Cancel [frmOGL] frmOGL=OpenGL btnOk=&Ok btnCancel=Cancel btnApply=&Apply ts1=General Label6=#sSMOOTHVISION kb1=A&nti-Aliasing lb2=An&isotropic Filtering Label8=#sPerformance lb3=&Texture Preference lb5=&MipMap Detail Level lb6=&Wait for Vertical Sync lb7=T&RUFORM(tm) Label9=#sR&efresh Rate Override rbPerf=Performance rbQual=Quality cbHQAF=Enable High Quality AF ts2=Additional Label3=Catalyst A.I. Label10=#sTweaks lb8=Force &Z Buffer Depth Label11=#sTemporal AA Label1=Multiplier Label2=Frame Threshold Label12=#sSmart Shaders Label7=Standard Smart Shaders Label5=Custom Smart Shader Effect File (leave empty for none) Label13=#sAdditional Settings cbTriple=Triple Buffering Button1=Default Label14=#sProfiles bt1=&Save as bt2=&Load bt3=&Delete [frmOSD] frmOSD=On Screen Display Settings ts1=OSD Label4=#sGeneral Settings Label5=#sOSD Screen Corner Label8=#sFPS Meter Label1=Update Label2=FPS draw type Label9=#sHotKeys Label6=You can also assign HotKey to change Screen Corner#mand manualy Flash OSD in Global HotKeys Manager Label7=Current Assigned Keys: cbOSDEnable=Enable OnScreen Display rbTL=Top Left rbDL=Down Left rbTR=Top Right rbDR=Down Right cbHideFPS=Hide cbDoNotChangeColor=Do not change color if FPS less than 25 cbDisOSDinOVR=Disable OSD in overlays (Only in Overlay mode!) cbHideOnlyFPS=Hide ts2=FlashOSD Label10=#sFlashOSD lb3=Fade time lb4=every lb5=seconds lb8=minutes Label11=#sSelect Active Fields Label12=1 Line Label13=2 Line Label14=3 Line lbWarning=lbWarning cbShowGPUSpeed=GPU Speed cbShowMemSpeed=Memory Speed cbShowGPUTemp=GPU Temperature cbShowEnvTemp=ENV Temperature cbShowFan=FAN Duty cbShowFreeVid=Free Video Memory cbShowFreeTM=Free Texture Memory cbShowAPI=Show 3D API Type cbShowUsedM=System Memory Used by process cbShowOSDPlugin=Use FlashOSD Plugin Button3=Configure cbHideOnlyFlash=Hide Button1=&Ok Button2=Cancel [frmOver] frmOver=Overclocking btnOk=&Ok btnApply=&Apply btnCancel=Cancel TabSheet1=Overclocking Label3=#sValues bl1=BIOS GPU lb2=BIOS MEM lb3=Current GPU lb4=Current MEM Label17=#sOverclocking Label4=Clock generation method Label11=Restrict reference divider up to sb2=&Set Default Clocks Label18=#sArtifact tester Label13=Max allowed artifacts Label12=Find Max for Label14=3D Settings SpeedButton1=Calculate cbShowDDR=Show as DDR bt8=Show 3D R&enderer cbScanLog=Write events to log file bt10=&GPU bt11=&MEM bt9=Scan &for Artifacts btnBenc=Bench! TabSheet6=Timings TabSheet2=Timings 1 lb1t1=WR latency lb2t1=CAS latency lb3t1=CMD latency lb4t1=Strobe latency sb4=&Reset btR1=Read btR5=Set cbTim1=Include in Profile (Very Dangerous!) TabSheet3=Timings 2 sb3=&Reset btr6=Read btr7=Set cbTim2=Include in Profile (Very Dangerous!) TabSheet5=Timings 3 Label5=Memory Refresh Rate Label6=TRFC btr10=&Reset cbTim3=Include in Profile (Very Dangerous!) btr8=Read btr9=Set TabSheet7=Fan Label9=No supported hardware found. Label19=#sFAN Control Label20=#sEdit Automatic Fan Control Table Label7=Temperature Label8=Fan Speed % Label15=Slow Label16=Normal Label21=Fast Label22=Fastest Label23=Below cbIncludeFan=Include in Profile rbAuto=Automatic depended on temperature Button1=Reload btAutoFillm63=Auto Fill btDefFan=Default TabSheet4=Voltage Label24=Set GPU Voltage to Label25=Current GPU Voltage: Label26=#sVoltage Control cbIncGPU=Include in Profile cbEnableVC=Enable Voltage Control (Very Dangerous!) Label10=#sProfiles bt2=&Save as bt3=&Load bt4=&Delete cbLoad=Load selected profile at startup cbRest=&Restore after suspended mode [frmOverlay] frmOverlay=Overlay Settings TabSheet1=Colors Label1=&Brightness Label2=&Contrast Label3=&Saturation Label4=&Hue Label5=&Gamma Label6=Select Display bt1=&Defaults TabSheet2=Deinterlacing Label7=Select deinterlacing method cb32pull=3:2 Pulldown btOk=&Ok Button2=Cancel [frmRadInfo] frmRadInfo=System Information bt1=&Close bt2=&Save bt3=&Refresh TabSheet1=General TabSheet2=I2C Scan TabSheet3=Test [frmRefLock] frmRefLock=Customize Refresh Lock btnOk=&Ok btnCancel=Cancel TabSheet1=General lb2=Resolutions lb1=Hz cb1=Enable Refresh Lock [frmRegEdit] frmRegEdit=Advanced Registry Tweaks Button1=&Ok Button2=Cancel btnApply=&Apply Label2=Current Database CheckBox212=Enabled CheckBox2=Disabled CheckBox3=No Value in registry (Current value unknown) [frmRunTimePL] frmRunTimePL=Run Time Plug-ins lb1=Run Time Plug-Ins btStart=&Start bt2=Close btStop=S&top btConf=&Configure btEn=Enable [frmSelDP] frmSelDP=frmSelDP lbText=lbText bt1=&Ok bt2=Cancel [frmSmart] frmSmart=SMARTGART Options TabSheet1=SMARTGART Label10=#sAGP Settings Label1=AGP &Speed Label2=#sPCI Settings Label3=&Fast Writes Label4=A&GP Write Label5=AG&P Read Label6=Currently Label7=P&CI Write Label8=PCI &Read Label9=Changing these settings could result in systems instabilty!#mComputer must be restarted to apply settings. Button1=&Ok Button2=Cancel btnApply=&Apply [frmStdTweaks] frmStdTweaks=Standard Tweaks TabSheet2=Direct3D Label4=#sShaders Label1=Override Pixel Shader Version Label2=Override Vertex Shader Version Label5=#sOther Label6=#sHyper Z Label3=Z Compression Mode cbOptimizePS=Optimize Pixel Shader Code cbGI=Geometry Instancing cbForceMIP=Force Mip-Map Filter cbFastZ=Fast Z Clear Enable cbZMask=Z Mask Enable cbZTop=Z Top Disable Button1=Default TabSheet3=System Label7=#sGeneral cbVPURecover=VPU Recover cbDMA=Disable DMA Copy cbBlockWrite=Disable Block Write cbWMV=WMV Acceleration Button4=Default Button2=&Ok Button3=Cancel btnApply=&Apply [frmWait] lb1=Please wait... [resources] rs_NoATI_videop=Can not find ATI video board or no Catalyst drivers installed! rs_wrong_sys=Wrong version of low level driver found! #mPlease uninstall current version of ATI Tray Tools, restart computer and install it again. rs_cannot_load_sys=Can not load low level device driver. Please restart application! rs_bios_error=Unable to retrive information from BIOS! Please report to developer about your board! rs_wrong_hook=Wrong raphook.dll Version! Please reinstall ATI Tray Tools rs_new_device=New device found! Overclocking at startup will not be applied! rs_new_ccc=ATT detected new installation of ATI Control Center. ATT must be restarted! rs_new_cp=ATT detected changes in Control Panel. ATT must be restarted! rs_error_run_plugin=Error runnig plugin! No exec_plugin function found! rs_sel_trsh_val=Select Threshold value rs_value=Value rs_overwrite_icon=Overwrite old saved positions? rs_saved_for=Icon positions are saved for rs_del_saved=Delete saved positions for rs_all_restored=All icon positions are restored rs_loading=Loading... rs_ll_disabled=Low level correction disabled in General Options rs_error_save_bios=Error saving BIOS dump file! rs_saved_bios_dump=Saved BIOS dump to rs_select_lod=Select LOD Parameter rs_lod_adj=Texture LOD Adjustment rs_adv_tweaks=This is Advanced Registry Tweaks editor. If you will change some settings you can make your OS and/or Video board unstable. In some cases you can damage your hardware! This settings intended only for Powerfull users. Are you sure you want to continue? rs_no_agp=No AGP Card detected! s_DeleteSavedPositions=Delete Saved Positions (For resolution %s) s_not_supported=Your device is not supported. s_error_rot=Error setting rotation mode! _Error=Error _Information=Information sBadDR=Bad value for divider restriction! Value must be between 4 and 16! Hot_key_used=Hot key is used! s_not_active=This display is not active! s_not_applied=You must apply settings before entering advanced display properties! Manage_Profiles=Manage Profiles SelProfDel=Select profile to delete New_profile_name=New profile name Create_Profile=Create Profile s_overwrite_p=Overwrite profile s_def_dis=Default Single Display s_Confirmation=Confirmation click_toset=Hz (click to set new) Select_refresh_rate=Select refresh rate Set_custom_refresh_rate=Set custom refresh rate no_ati=No ATI device found! s_Delete=Delete del_templ=Delete selected profile? s_error2d3d=You must select both 2D and 3D profiles! error_load_device=Error loading device driver! s_error_load_p=Error loading profile! over_caption=Overclocking Settings... s_custom_settings=Custom Settings rs_3dsettings=3D Settings rs_import=Import rs_custom3d=Custom 3D Settings rs_customgl=Custom OpenGL Settings rs_edit=Edit : rs_artifacts=Artifacts! %d pixel(s) doesn`t match at %dMHz rs_reach_min=Reached minimum clock value. Decrease mininum#m allowed values by changing Overclocking limits in General Options rs_no_arts=No Artifacts for %d.%0.3d s. at %dMhz. Last artifacts count %d rs_no_arts2=No Artifacts for %d.%0.3d s. Last artifacts count %d rs_max_mem=Maximum MEM Clocks found %dMhz rs_max_gpu=Maximum GPU Clocks found %dMhz rs_reach_max=Reached maximum clock value. Increase maximum#malowed values by changing Overclocking limits in General Options rs_start_scan=Start scan for atifacts GPU:%d MEM:%d %s ts_stop_scan=Stop Scan rs_3d_ren=3D Renderer ts_start_for_m=Start scan for Maximum MEM clocks. Current clocks GPU:%d MEM:%d %s rs_start_for_g=Start scan for Maximum GPU clocks. Current clocks GPU:%d MEM:%d %s rs_bench_mode=Benchmark mode (Speed). Do not move mouse! rs_bench_mode2=Benchmark mode (Quality). Do not move mouse! rs_no_stx=No support for Compressed Textures in OpenGL! Please update your driver s_not_supported_on_x1=Not supported on R5xx boards rs_pass_n=Pass N rs_speed_mode=Speed Mode rs_quality_mode=Quality Mode rs_benc_det=Benchmark details: rs_final_score=Final Score = rs_att_bench_res=ATI Tray Tools Benchmark results. rs_bench_finished_at=Benchmark finished at rs_your_res=Your Result ( rs_mem_speed=Memory Speed : %d rs_core_speed=Core Speed : %d rs_core_locked=Core & memory clocks locked rs_show3d=Show 3D Renderer rs_close3d=Close 3D Renderer rs_sss_arts=Scan for Artifacts rs_stop=Stop rs_war_taa=With TemporalAA enabled ATT unable to scan for artifacts!+#m+ Do you want me to disable TemporalAA and continue? rs_clock_gen=Clocks generated by 1st method:#mGPU: %.2f MEM: %.2f Reference Divider: %d#m#m#m+Clocks generated by 2nd (Safe) mode:#mGPU: %.2f MEM: %.2f Reference Divider: %d rs_clock_genr5xx=GPU: %8.2f rfd : %d #mMEM: %8.2f rfd : %d rs_clock_res=Clock calculatio results rs_fan_rpm=FAN Speed RPM rs_man_speed=Manual Speed (%d) rs_bbench=Bench! rs_no_glsl=No support for GLSL found! Please update your drivers. Benchmark can not be executed! rs_enter_prof_name=Enter Profile Name! rs_sel_g_exe=Select game executable file! rs_sel_3d_prof=Select Direct3D profile rs_sel_ogl_prof=Select OpenGL profile rs_sel_ovr_prof=Select OverClocking profile rs_sel_col_prof=Select Color profile rs_endter_devid=Please enter both Vendor and Device ID`s! rs_shortcut_to=Shortcut to rs_sh_created=, created. rs_sh_saved=Saved... rs_do_notch=Do not change rs_scan_g_prof=This procedure will scan game profiles#mand delete it if executable file doesn`t exists#mContinue? rs_this_del=These game profiles will be deleted. Continue?#m rs_no_del=No game profiles deleted rs_prof_deleted= profile(s) deleted rs_file_not_found=File not found! rs_unable_det=Unable to detect used 3D API types rs_detapi=Detected 3D API Types rs_profiles=Profiles rs_ovr_p=Overclocking rs_fan_c=FAN Control rs_color_c=Color Correction rs_display_r=Display Rotation rs_dtv=Display and TV Out rs_aud_mix=Audio Mixer Control rs_aud_rec=Audio Recorder rs_misc=Miscellaneous rs_sel_displ_prof=Select Display Profile re_set_fan_to=Set FAN to manual speed at %d%% rs_sel_osd_pl=You must select OSD Plugin! rs_no_sharmem=Warning! ATT Shared Memory disabled in general options. You must enable it to see temperature and other information in FlashOSD module rs_screen_cor=Screen Corner : rs_no_hot_key=No hotkey assigned rs_hide_show_osd=Hide/Show OSD : rs_no_cnf_fun=No configuration function found in plugin! rs_display_noddc=Display Limits (no DDC!) rs_maxh=Max HResolution %d rs_maxv=Max VResolution %d rs_max_ref=Max refresh %d rs_error_get_update=Error getting update information! rs_no_update_srv=No update server found in ini file! rs_new_ver=New version %d.%d.%d build %d found!#mDownload update? rs_no_new_ver=No New version found. rs_prf_saved_to=Profiles saved to %s. rs_not_configured=Not configured! rs_assigned_hot=Assigned HotKey - rs_mbm= Motherboard Monitor Sources rsr_unsup