Наконец-то Opera Software решила осчастливить пользователей Mac OS X и выпустить вторую предвыпускную версию своего браузера Opera 10.52 для Mac OS X, а также параллельно представив snapshot-версии для Windows и Linux.Согласно сообщению разработчиков, новая версия для Mac OS X, Windows и Linux содержит следующие изменения:Ядро:
Fixed CARAKAN-1255 (Crash in SVG DOM)
Fixed CARAKAN-1250 (property get caches accessing prototype properties on objects with hash tables weren't ignored)
Fixed CORE-29241 (Widget freezes on connecting to debugger)
Fixed DSK-289334 (Need pinch gesture threshold to prevent accidental use)
Fixed DSK-292344 (Sheet repainting issues in address field, progress bar, and tab resizer)
Fixed DSK-294174 (Crash on popup notifications)
Fixed DSK-294608 (Crash with IME)
Fixed DSK-294910 (Crash on exit)
Fixed DSK-294916 (Icons in Menu on PPC have wrong colours)
Fixed DSK-293920 (Flip4Mac plugin crashes Opera)
Fixed DSK-289645 (Can't interact with windows opened from dialogs)
Fixed DSK-293755 (Crash when exiting Opera under KDE4)
Fixed DSK-289404 (Don't use bitmap fonts where it is possible to use an alternative)
Respect preference setting for "Enable Core X Fonts" when loading fonts
Fixed a bug that caused Opera to run out of file descriptors
Parallel lookup of IPv4 and IPv6 to improve performance
Fixed DSK-293628 (Mail lost when upgrading 9.27 Merlin to 10.52 Evenes)