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87420 января 2009 г. 14:01KostNalu

Software: AMD Fusion Gaming Utility 1.0

Компания AMD выпустила первую официальную версию Fusion Gaming Utility. Утилита работает только на системах AMD и позволяет отключать различные процессы ОС Windows, что позволяет получить дополнительный прирост производительности, когда это необходимо. AMD Fusion работает с ОС Windows XP/Vista x86 и x64.Несмотря на то, что утилита имеет версию 1.0, она может содержать ошибки, которые не указаны в официальном списке ошибок.Список известных ошибок:
  • The system may hang when running profiles utilizing AMD OverDrive cpu tuning on Windows Vista 64-bit and XP 64-bit operating systems, requiring a reboot
  • The system may hang when engaging a profile from the simple mode (button) interface, if the mouse click is held and the mouse is moved off of the application, on Windows XP systems, requiring a reboot
  • The system may hang when a profile is disengaging if the user is moving and/or clicking the mouse, requiring a reboot
  • It may not be possible to create custom profile with ATI Catalyst Auto-Tune GPU tuning enabled on Windows XP 64-bit systems
  • In Windows XP 64-bit and Vista 64-bit operating systems, there may be a long delay waiting for a profile to engage
  • When AMD Fusion for Gaming is disengaged, the system may not be fully restored to its previous state, requiring a reboot
  • Valve's Steam online gaming platform will be shut down when engaging a profile
  • Some applications that are shut down will not automatically start back up when AMD Fusion for Gaming disengages
  • Some applications may not shut down as intended when AMD Fusion for Gaming engages
  • AMD OverDrive upgrades may not install properly with AMD Fusion for Gaming installed on the system
  • Some special characters in custom profile names do not save correctly
  • A message that states that ATI Auto-Tune has not yet been performed may not display when running profiles utilizing GPU tuning
  • When editing or creating a profile, the Enter key will cancel the operation without a warning message
  • Profiles with leading or trailing white space characters may cause multiple profiles to appear to have the same name
  • On the status screen, the font appears to change from top to bottom
  • Profile names can not be changed
  • The application window will not remain on a secondary display when switching between the simple and advanced views
  • A new profile will overwrite an existing profile with the same name, without a warning message
Скачать AMD Fusion Gaming Utility (27 МБ)

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